Aren’t Januarys tough sometimes? what with post Christmas blues and cold dark nights?

In response to Coronavirus (Covid-19), I am offering telephone, online counselling and CBT sessions via Zoom and WhatsApp.
This video which Founder of the Being Practice, Karen Deeming, produced for her Coaching Agency, You Revolution, shows how mindfulness can help you with Blue Monday. Mindfulness can also help you to reduce and overcome anger outbursts, stress, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, negative thinking patterns, high blood pressure, low self esteem and exhaustion.
Have you noticed that you’re feeling a bit more under the weather and more tired than usual because of the long dark nights or overspending at Christmas?
or are you feeling disappointed that your New Year’s Resolution or diet aren’t going as well as you had hoped?
Well you’re not alone in this dilemma, because the third Monday in January, supposedly the most depressing day of the year has now got an official name
Do you know what it is?
Blue Monday!!!
You may be doing a dream job, even then though, Blue Monday can still be tricky especially having to climb out of that lovely warm duvet before 8am
What helps me to cheer myself up on Blue Monday is my daily mindfulness practice, or simply snuggling upto the cat on the sofa.
Mindfulness, widely approved by the international medical community is a technique for reducing stress, exhaustion, high blood pressure, panics, anxiety, and negative thinking patterns
It teaches greater awareness of our thoughts, feelings and sensations through simple techniques like visualization, meditation, gentle movement and yoga you don’t need to sit on a mountain in the Himalyas to do it either
Let me share with you an example of how mindfulness can help you:
Despite a heavy rain prediction here in Somerset a few days ago I decided to cycle to the local farm shop.
The cycle route from Pilton to the farm shop is no stranger to me but today it was a strikingly different experience because I had decided to attempt mindful cycling.
In other words, I adopted a small steps approach, focusing on the here and now and the journey rather than a speedy arrival at my destination.
How stunning I chuckled to myself as I was greeted by the distant view of Glastonbury Tor. Slightly distracted by these delicious in the moment experience, I cycled through a muddy puddle resulting in drenched socks.
What helped me overcome the soggy socks incident, were the charming duo of cocker spaniels grinning at me from the rear window of a scruffy jeep ahead.
So, good news, mindfulness and focusing on exquisite landscape instead of the lack of sunshine resulted in a highly pleasurable experience
And you can achieve this positive mindset too.
If after listening to this clip or reading this blog you are still struggling to motivate yourself on Blue Monday or indeed anytime in 2015.
You can book your appointment here or you can contact me on (044) +7950 751352 for outside the UK or 07950 751352 inside the UK. Alternatively by email: